Associated Consulting Professionals, Inc.
1759 Bayhill Drive, Oldsmar, FL 34677
Phone: 727-773-9200 / Cell: 727-743-8264 / Fax: 727-787-2898
e-mail: apenna@tampabay.rr.com
Website: www.1stchoiceleadtestingofflorida.com

The following Company Bio provided by Genia Penna
Associated Consulting Professionals, Inc. provides Professional Services such as Lead-based Paint Testing, Lead Risk Assessment, Lead Clearance, Lead Abatement (Removal of Lead) and Stabilization of Lead Paint. We work with various Cities and Counties throughout the State of Florida involved with the First time homebuyers Program as well as Banks, Realtors and General Contractors. Some of our clients are: City of Clearwater, City of Tampa, City of St. Petersburg, City of Sarasota, City of Lakeland, City of Bradenton, City of Delray Beach, City of Hollywood, City of Sunrise Pasco County, Pinellas County, Lee County and Palm Beach County, Sun Trust Bank and Wells Fargo just to name a few.

A.C.P. is certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as: Lead Risk Assessor, Lead Supervisor and as a Lead-based Paint Firm. Associated Consulting Professionals, Inc. has been in business and providing Lead-based Paint services since 1995, we use the latest technology has to offer, the instrument type we use to test for Lead-based Paint is R M D Model LPA-1/XRF Type Analyzer. We have Professional Insurance of two million to protect our clients.

We take pride in providing competitive pricing without sacrificing the quality or integrity of our work. We always complete projects according to contract timelines, as you will find out if you contact our references. Our pricing for our services is very competitive and do all our own work, there is no subcontracting.

Finding a Qualified Lead-based Paint Professional and Tips for Checking a Lead Inspector’s Background & Experience:

. Always ask to see a contractor’s Lead-based Paint Certification and E.P.A. Certification Badge with their picture on the front of the ID. (If they are certified by E.P.A. they will have this, it is a requirement by E.P.A.).

· Make sure they test with an XRF instrument, not a lead test kit.

· Ask what kind of information will be included in the final Lead Inspection or Lead Risk Assessment (If the home test positive for Lead) that will be prepared for you. A Lead Inspection Report should identify the lead content of the painted surfaces in the home. A Lead Risk Assessment will provide you with information about the lead content of deteriorated painted surfaces and also should tell you whether lead is present in dust and soil around your home. It should also present options for reducing the hazard according to E.P.A. standards and how to make it Lead Safe according to E.P.A. standards.

LEAD-BASED PAINT INFORMATION: Lead-based house paint was used in most homes until 1960 and still used in some house paints until 1977. Paint at friction points on window and door frames, and peeling paint on porches is most likely to present a risk for children. Children six years and under are the main casualty of lead poisoning, however, anyone that eats, drinks, or breathes contaminated substances is also vulnerable. Small children will eat anything. They put things in their mouths. They chew on windowsills, eat paint chips, and suck on their fingers. Lead from crumbling paint gets into household dust and anything that gets dusty can then become a source of lead poisoning. Old furniture, toys and dishes may contain lead. Lead tends to build up in the body over time. Therefore, someone who takes in only small amounts of lead can gradually develop lead poisoning. Lead carried in a mother’s blood can pass to her unborn child. Lead poisoning is usually a silent disease and an affected person may seem to be well. A blood lead test can help find out if someone has taken in too much lead, before there are any outward signs of illness.

Housing unit age is a key factor in estimating the prevalence of lead-bibited beginning in 1978. Based on national studies, it is estimated that 75% of all residential structures built prior to 1978 contain some quantity of lead-based paint. Inspections must be tested by an Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) Certified Inspector/Risk Assessor, just ask the company for their E.P.A. Certification before doing any business.

Genia Penna -Vice President
Providing Lead-based Paint Services – Since 1995
Associated Consulting Professionals, Inc.
1759 Bayhill Drive, Oldsmar, FL 34677
Phone: 727-773-9200 / Fax: 727-787-2898 / Cell: 727-743-8264
e-mail: apenna@tampabay.rr.com
Web: 1stchoiceleadtestingofFlorida.com
E.P.A. Certified as LEAD Risk Assessor – Cert#: FL-R-4850-3
E.P.A. Certified as LEAD Supervisor – Cert#: FL-S-4850-3
E.P.A. Certified as A LEAD Firm – A.C.P. Inc. – Cert#: FL-1726-6