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As of July 1, 2019, All Automatic Garage Door Openers Must Have a Battery Back Up (CA)SB 969, Dodd. Automatic garage door openers: backup batteries.Existing law requires an automatic garage door opener that is manufactured for sale, purchased, sold, offered
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Child-Proofing Windows and Stairs
Child-Proofing Windows and Stairs by Nick Gromicko The number one hazard for children is falls, which are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries in the U.S. for this age group. About 8,000 youngsters wind up in emergency rooms every day for
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Ceramic Tile and Stone Inspection
Ceramic Tile and Stone Inspection by Nick Gromicko Ceramic tile and stone are popular flooring materials, but each is subject to damage if not properly maintained. Ceramic tile, due to its low required maintenance, ease of cleaning, and resistance to physical
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Central Humidifiers
Central Humidifiers by Nick Gromicko and Kenton Shepard Humidifiers are devices that humidify air so that building occupants are comfortable. Central humidifiers are hard-wired into a house’s plumbing and forced-air heating systems. What is humidity? Humidity refers to the amount
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Cement Substitutes
Cement Substitutes by Nick Gromicko Cement substitutes are materials that may be substituted, to some degree, for cement in order to improve different properties, such as strength and longevity. The use of cement substitutes is generally encouraged because of the
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Carpet Beetles
Carpet Beetles by Nick Gromicko Carpet beetles are household pests capable of destroying various household items. Inspection and knowledge of their habits can prevent costly destruction. Life Cycle and Habits Female carpet beetles will lay 50 to 100 small, pearly-white
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Building a Home
Building a Home If you want to build a new home, there are things you need to know before you begin. Learn about construction standards and about buying land, so you know your rights. MPS Supplementing Model Building Codes
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Bug Zappers
Bug Zappers by Nick Gromicko A bug zapper is a popular exterior appliance installed by a homeowner or food handler to attempt localized control of flying insect populations. Its name comes from the characteristic "zap" sound produced when an insect is
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